I could have...but then thought...what if...
You are out to change the world
You are not going to take anything lying down
You are going to protest the first time you see someone
- cutting down a tree
- talking about women's place being in the kitchen
- smoking in public
- asking for a bribe
- forcing child labour....
Sounds familiar? As if that 'you' is you? Or does it feel as if that 'you' was you?
How many times while growing up, while attending seminars or debates on environment, on World Health Day or in a drive towards 100% literacy, have we all thought that we will change the world? Or maybe even, that we will bring a change to the world?
How many times have we unabashedly lectured other people about not spitting in public places or not smoking in a bus, unmindful of grumpy faces or patronising or even amused looks around?
What stops us from doing that now?
What makes us say - let it be, doesn't matter, come on now, forget it.....?
What makes us brush it all away with so-called 'maturity'? Are we really that matured or is it something else?
Is it our age? Then why do we still feel young at heart and are not scared to show our love for teddies and chocolates?
Is it our image? Then, why do we consciously try to break that image?
Is it our meek acceptance of reality? Then, why do we go against the set norms in other ways?
Is it a fear of being laughed at for being too driven? Then why aren't we afraid to be said the same thing when we drive ourselves to perfection at work?
The answer is not known to me...am just thinking why....perhaps it is the complexity of life as age adds on more layers, more colours....unlike the simplicity of childhood and the passion of teenage....
Any answers?
You are not going to take anything lying down
You are going to protest the first time you see someone
- cutting down a tree
- talking about women's place being in the kitchen
- smoking in public
- asking for a bribe
- forcing child labour....
Sounds familiar? As if that 'you' is you? Or does it feel as if that 'you' was you?
How many times while growing up, while attending seminars or debates on environment, on World Health Day or in a drive towards 100% literacy, have we all thought that we will change the world? Or maybe even, that we will bring a change to the world?
How many times have we unabashedly lectured other people about not spitting in public places or not smoking in a bus, unmindful of grumpy faces or patronising or even amused looks around?
What stops us from doing that now?
What makes us say - let it be, doesn't matter, come on now, forget it.....?
What makes us brush it all away with so-called 'maturity'? Are we really that matured or is it something else?
Is it our age? Then why do we still feel young at heart and are not scared to show our love for teddies and chocolates?
Is it our image? Then, why do we consciously try to break that image?
Is it our meek acceptance of reality? Then, why do we go against the set norms in other ways?
Is it a fear of being laughed at for being too driven? Then why aren't we afraid to be said the same thing when we drive ourselves to perfection at work?
The answer is not known to me...am just thinking why....perhaps it is the complexity of life as age adds on more layers, more colours....unlike the simplicity of childhood and the passion of teenage....
Any answers?